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Browse Publisher (Manav Kalyan Evam Vigyan Praasar Sansthan, Lucknow)

Manav Kalyan Evam Vigyan Prasar Sansthan is a non Government
Organisation (NGO) established at Lucknow under the
'Societies Registration Act 1860" as No. 3000/2007-08 of 2007.

It aims to help and to coordinate in implementation of foreign agencies scheme and government plans pertaining to science, development and technology, Health Care, Social Forestry, Family Welfare, Child health and Nutrition, Family Welfare, Community health, Sanitation and Hygiene, Water supply, Welfare of Scheduled Tribe, Caste backward and deprived people, and to secure and manage funds and other financial resources for the promotion of the cause of the Institute and its objectives. And also to collect, compile and publish materials, pertaining to the Science, Technology, Astrology, Social Sciences, Development and resources of mankind.

Open Access
No. of publication(s) available for this publisher: 1
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