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ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 10
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 6)
Online ISSN : 2249-8826.

An empirical model of buying behaviour of consumers in Tamil Nadu: with special reference to two wheeler customers in Chennai city

Dr. Sakthivelmurugan M.*, Ganapathy S**

*Principal, D.B. Jain College, Thoriapakkam, Chennai

**PH.D Research Scholar, D.B. Jain College, Thoriapakkam, Chennai

Online published on 9 October, 2014.


This study is identifying how the advertisements aimed to motivate the buying behaviour of the target group. How the advertisements influence the preferences of Indian brand two wheeler, international brand two wheelers and in-collaborated brand two wheelers. The impact of advertisement on consumer preferences on different types of cubic capacity of two wheelers namely 80cc, 90cc, 100cc etc. to attract the different age groups. This study is also identifying the factors in the advertisements which influencing buying motives, product recognition, buying decision and the information enhancement of the product. It also explores the relationship between the effect of advertisements and post purchase behaviour of the customers. It also measuring the advertisement awareness and attitudes of the customers on Two-wheeler characteristics. It is analyzing the relationship between demographic variables and advertisement factors which influencing buying motives, product recognition and buying decision of two wheelers customers. The aim of the research paper is to develop an empirical model which is indispensable to study comprehensively the impact of advertisement on buying behavior of two wheeler customers.



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