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International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering
Year : 2017, Volume : 7, Issue : 3
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 11)
Online ISSN : 2249-0558.

SAP HANA Searching technique-one of the fastest ways of searching enterprise data

Josh Shirish

Online published on 11 October, 2019.


Curiosity is human being's basic characteristic. Due to this curiosity various innovations have happened till date and still are happening. One of the forms of this habit is ‘to search’! Day in-day out we require so much information for some or the other thing for which we ask for help, era before computers we referred books and teachers and friends but now it's just Google. Searching on Google has become integral part of our life irrespective of the profession you are in.

Have you ever thought what exactly goes behind this ‘search engine’ thing? Simply Google and you'll get the answer. Today there are various search engines available in the market for internet surfing but what if your business landscape needs one. How will you go about it? First of all, why is the search engine required in your business landscape?

Let's assume your business is in retail industry with turnover about a crore per annum. Products manufactured by your company are used by lakhs people on daily basis only in India. Your marketing and sales team are doing great job of spreading the network every minute using all possible mediums. Not only on ground front but also on internet, your company has grabbed the attention of customers by using online portal and e-shopping sites. Being a successful business, you need reviews, feedback about each product from customers and end users. In earlier days you have used feedback forms from the dealers about the customer review and now you have a helpline which takes feedback from customer on time to time basis. Other than this, there is a huge social media space where you get feedback from customer, end-user whether you ask for it or not. This feedback is in the form of Face book posts, tweets, Instagram images, emails, blogs, reviews on e-shopping portal and companies’ online portal. Feedback given is in the form of text containing emoticons, images, videos, google map links, regional language and what not.

Now it's a big question in front of your IT team to collect this data in one system and format, cleanse and scrutinize itaccording to the positive, negative or neutral feedback. Once the data is sorted and organized, use it to make reports for the higher management to give exact details about how many customers are happy, satisfied, not happy, dissatisfied about your products, service. IT team's difficulty increases from the point of collection of such diversified data up to the storage and structuring of it. Social media data is in the forms of strings/text, emoticons, images, short texts, typos, videos, audios, pdfs, maps. Which database understands images and videos and pdfs? In which type of table you will store it? How will you categorize it with primary key and foreign key combination? How will you create mappings between your product master data and it's feedback against a geographical area? How will you store google map link. So many questions huh!!



SAP HANA, Full text Search, Fuzzy Search, Text Mining, Index.



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