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ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Year : 2019, Volume : 9, Issue : 2
First page : ( 178) Last page : ( 193)
Online ISSN : 2231-5780.

Health welfare system in modern India revitalizing Indian Healthcare-Its potential and challenges

Tripathi Vipin Vihari Ram1,*, Tripathi Ajatshatru2, Jaiswal Shivam3

1M. Com 2nd year, Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University

2M. Com 2nd year, Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University

3B. Com 2nd year, Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University

*Email: -vipintripathi032@gmail.com

Online published on 2 April, 2019.


India's health-care services philosophy has been ineffective and incredulous since independence. The highly diversified population, haphazard educational level, multi-layered strategy formulation, stereotype behavior had multi-folded the challenges of government in this orientation. India, the fastest growing economy of the world, spends more than. 6 trillion p.a. for providing affordable, adorable and affirmative health-care commitments to almost 130 million people with the help of almost 1.7 million doctors. But the public healthcare system is over-burdened and is collapsing rapidly. As a result, a person of the country has to drive heavy expenditure on this sector. After 1991, the health-care system has shifted towards structural conjunction of public and private health providing organizations for improving potential competencies. Analysis suggest that during that phase India had witnessed political feasibility, political controllability, regulatory framework to establish collective management system to mold its future like France, Sri Lanka, Cuba, Thailand and South Korea. The current Union Government has undertaken reconciling decisions to standardize and upgrade the health care facilities in India. It's sustained health priorities, refining policies and is reforming the institutional work-culture had tremendous impact on the health welfare services. This research paper is an attempt to present a stethoscopic view of prevailing health-care services in India and constructive intervention of the government for its proactive management. Some of these revamping, remapping and revolutionary import measures are coherently, comprehensively and compassionately discussed in this research paper. For this purpose, combination of primary and secondary data are extensively collected, analyzed and interpreted to draw a fruitful result. At last, few openly elevated challenges and dynamic potential suggestions are accompanied with the concrete conclusion.



Health-care, constructive intervention, structural conjunction, feasibility, controllability.



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