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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 10
First page : ( 2622) Last page : ( 2626)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.03261.3

The Effect of the Use of Parachutes and Gloves in Some Kinetic Variables and the Completion of a Swimming Pool (50M) Free for the Armenian Club

Salman Tabarek Mohammed1, Ameen Nada Mohammed1, Al-Jubouri Mawahib Hamid1

1College of Physical Education and Sports Science for Girls, University of Baghdad, Iraq

Online published on 23 December, 2019.



Scientific research in sports biomechanics is not limited to diagnosis or treatment of the strengths and weaknesses of the training process for young swimmers. The study was aimed to prepare special exercises using the parachute and the gloves as a means of resistance in the training process in accordance with the abilities of the sample and to identify its effects on the kinetic parameters of length of the cloud, velocity of the cloud and rate of speed.


A 50-meter swimming pool was completed for young swimmers. The researcher adopted the experimental method of group design with the design of the three experimental groups with tight control in the pre-and post-tests. The first experimental group was trained using the umbrella resistance, the second experimental group was trained using paw resistance and the third experimental group was trained by combining the two types of resistance (parachute + gloves) on a sample of young swimmers in the club of the Armenian. Nine swimmers were chosen by a vertical (100%) of their community origin. The training curriculum lasted for eight weeks with two training units per week. The number of training units per group was 16 training units in the study experience.

Results and Conclusions

Data of pre-and post-tests were statistically determined by the SPSS system. The researchers concluded that training by combining two types of resistors (parachutes + gloves) improved the rate of speed, length and frequency of the strike and the completion of a 50-meter swimming pool in the young swimmers who trained them. The researchers argue that it is necessary to have resistance training based on the principle of experimentation and not to exaggerate with young swimmers to be appropriate for their age, training level, gender and privacy of swimming distance specified for them.



Parachutes, kinetic variables, young swimmers, resistance, frequency of strike.


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