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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2018, Volume : 9, Issue : 12
First page : ( 469) Last page : ( 473)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.01881.8

Factors affecting the side effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs

Masriadi1, Sumantri Eha2, Sanasiah3, Nugroho Heru Santoso Wahito4,*

1Department of Epidemiology, Institute of Health Science Tamalatea, Makassar, Indonesia

2Department of Nutrition, Institute of Health Science Tamalatea, Makassar, Indonesia

3Health Office of Barru Regency, Indonesia

4Health Polytechnic of Surabaya, Indonesia

*Corresponding author: Heru Santoso Wahito Nugroho Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health at Surabaya, Jl. Pucang Jajar Tengah 56, Surabaya, Indonesia (heruswn@gmail.com)

Online published on 9 January, 2019.


Side effects of Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs is a problem in the treatment of tuberculosis patients. In Barru Regency, the number of pulmonary TB patient visits in the outpatient and inpatient units in 2014–2016 was still high. Based on these data, it is deemed necessary to conduct research on the causes of cure rates in only 73% of the total users of pulmonary TB drugs, in terms of the side effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs, pulmonary disorders and gastric disorders. This study was conducted on Agustus, 2017 to January, 2018; using cross sectional approach. Subject of this study were 75 tuberculosis patients with BTA+ and side effects of Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs on the lungs and stomach, selected by total sampling. Data were obtained through interview, then analyzed by using path analysis. It is known that the pathways of influence were significant (T-value> 1.96) were knowledge on immune system, type of drug on immune system, knowledge on side effect of drug and type of drug on side effect of drug. Thus, the level of knowledge and types of drugs directly affect the immune system, as well as the side effects of drugs. Several factors that directly affect the side effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs are the level of knowledge and type of drug. Increased knowledge will reduce the side effects of the drug, because the patient makes an effort to neutralize the effect.



Side effects, Anti-tuberculosis drug, Tuberculosis, Knowledge.


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