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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2018, Volume : 9, Issue : 12
First page : ( 861) Last page : ( 864)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.01955.1

Cognitive Flexibility and Its Relationship to the Divergent Thinking of Fourth Grade Students

Al-Masoudi Mohammed Hamid1,*, Naser Mohammed Shakir1, Ibrahim Haidar Maan1

1Faculty of Basic Education, University of Babylon, Hillah City, Iraq

*Corresponding author: Mohammed Hamid Al-Masoudi, Faculty of Basic Education, University of Babylon, Hillah City, Iraq

Online published on 2 February, 2019.


The objective of this research was to defne the cognitive fexibility and divergent thinking among scientifc fourth-grade secondary school students and to fnd the relationship between them. The study was conducted in Iraq-Baghdad/Rusafa II Directorate of Education, a sample of (509) students were selected, two scale forms were used, one to measure the cognitive fexibility, and the other to measure divergent thinking of students. Each form has (65) paragraph to answer within (50) minute. Statistical analysis was used with the application of (T. Test) for two independent samples. The T value was an indication of the distinction of each paragraph compared to the tabulated value. All the paragraphs were distinct and thus the scale was composed of (65) paragraphs for cognitive fexibility and (52) paragraphs for divergent thinking. From the analysis, it was indicated that the level of cognitive fexibility of the sample was high. Also, the Pearson correlation coeffcient was used as a statistical method in the analysis and indicated the existence of a functional relationship between the two search variables. This indicates a positive statistical relationship between the grades of cognitive fexibility and divergent thinking of students in the fourth grade.



Cognitive Flexibility, Divergent thinking, Distinction, Problem solving.


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