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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2018, Volume : 9, Issue : 12
First page : ( 2098) Last page : ( 2103)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.02175.7

The Effect of Team-based Learning (TBL) on Leadership, Empowerment, and Followership of Nursing Students

Koo Ok Hee1

1Assistant Professor, Dept. of Nursing, Baekseok University, Cheon-an, Republic of Korea

Online published on 2 February, 2019.



The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of leadership class on senior nursing students using team-based learning (TBL).

Method/Statistical analysis

This study, a single group pre-post treatment design, measured five types of leadership awareness level, empowerment level, and followership style of the study participants. The students were 60 students of B university nursing school seniors. As a leadership training program, the study was run in total of 12 hours through 6 weeks with 2 hours in a week. The descriptive statistic factors such as mean and standard deviation were used for continuous variables. Paired-t-test was used to compare the level of leadership code before and after TBL.


By examining the results of each item, the strategists scored an average of 6.84 points before the TBL and an average of 8.15 points after the TBL, the pre-mean of 6.86 and the post-mean of 8.08 for practitioners, the pre-mean of 6.85 and the post-mean of 7.96 for talent manager, the pre-mean of 5.86 and post-mean of 7.55 for human resource developer, the pre-mean of 7.05 and the post-mean of 8.12 for self-development, and the pre-mean of 6.71 and the post-mean of 7.98 for the total leadership level. Statistically significant changes were noted in all five items (p <.001). The average level of empowerment of the students was higher than the normal with average of 3.61±.42 (maximum 5). Most of them were pragmatist followers (87%).


By setting the control group or randomizing samples to generalize the result of study, the future study, verifying the effect of TBL class considering complex variables such as critical thinking, study satisfaction, self-fulfillment, creativity other than leadership variables, is proposed.



TBL, Leadership, Empowerment, Followership, Nursing Students.


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