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Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy - An International Journal
Year : 2018, Volume : 12, Issue : 4
First page : ( 95) Last page : ( 100)
Print ISSN : 0973-5666. Online ISSN : 0973-5674.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0973-5674.2018.00087.4

Effects of scapular taping on pain and disability in mechanical neck Pain-An experimental study

Suchetha P S1, Abraham Darwin2,*, Srivastava Saumya1

1Assistant Professor Nitte Institute of Physiotherapy, Nitte (Deemed to be) University, Mangalore, Karnataka

2Post Graduate, Nitte Institute of Physiotherapy, Nitte (Deemed to be) University, Mangalore, Karnataka

*Corresponding Author: Darwin Abraham, Post Graduate, Nitte Institute of Physiotherapy, Nitte (Deemed to be) University, Mangalore, Karnataka, 575018

Online published on 26 October, 2018.



Neck pain is the second most common pain after low back pain. The life time prevalence of the neck pain is 22–70% in industrial countries. Onset of mechanical neck pain is generally insidious and is multifactorial in origin which includes poor posture, anxiety, depression, neck strain. The altered activation of upper trapezius and combined with weakness of scapular retractors might contribute to neck pain. Taping can be advantageous for reducing neck pain and improving neck posture by facilitation and inhibition of muscles depending upon the technique of application.


To determine the effects of scapular rigid taping on pain, tenderness and disability in mechanical neck pain.


The Study recruited 35 patients with mechanical neck pain through purposive sampling. Pre intervention score of Visual analogue scale, pain pressure threshold and neck disability index was taken. Taping for upper trapezius and scapular retractors was given. Post outcome of visual analogue scale, pain pressure threshold and neck disability was taken at the 5th day of the treatment


The scapular taping resulted in significant decrease neck disability index and VAS and increased in the pain pressure threshold. With mean difference of VAS by 6.25±1.28 to 3.82±1.12 and mean of NDI by 16.80±4.82 to 8.20. There was an increase in the pain threshold mean by 11.76±4.21 to 14.71±4.85 with p value < 0.001.


The present study concludes that combined rigid taping of upper trapezius and scapular retractors is effective in decreasing mechanical neck pain.



Mechanical neck pain. Rigid scapular taping.


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