International Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry Year 2013, Volume-1, Issue-1 (April) Online ISSN : 2320-6233 Issue DOI : 10.5958/j.2320-6233.1.1
Table of contents
Effect of a Period of Table Tennis Matches on the Mental Well-Being of High-School Boy StudentsMorteza NaghibiDOI:10.5958/j.2320-6233.1.1.001
Depression and Social Adjustment in Students of Teacher Training CentresForough Mahigir, Ayatollah KarimiDOI:10.5958/j.2320-6233.1.1.002
Comparison of Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulation between Students with School Refusal Behaviour (SRB) and Students without SRB, and the Relationships of these Variables with Academic PerformanceAli KhanehkeshiDOI:10.5958/j.2320-6233.1.1.003
CoRelational Study on Social Adjustment and Life Skills in Iranian High SchoolsAhmad Farhady, Maryam Nooralizadeh, M. SoodaniDOI:10.5958/j.2320-6233.1.1.004
Poverty-related Stress and Developmental Behaviour among Low Socio-economic Groups: A ReviewNanjundaDOI:10.5958/j.2320-6233.1.1.005