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Year : 2022, Volume : 17, Issue : 1
First page : ( 56) Last page : ( 61)
Print ISSN : 2229-628X. Online ISSN : 2582-2683. Published online : 2022 January 4.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2582-2683.2022.00012.0

Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield and economics of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Jalandhar (Punjab)

Sharma Deepak, Rattan Puja

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, DAV University, Jalandhar

Received:  11  ,  2021; Accepted:  12  ,  2021.


The field experiment laid out in randomized block design with three replications of ten different combinations of organic and chemical fertilizer i.e., (FYM, poultry manure, vermicompost) and the chemical fertilizers at different levels, using kufri Pukhraj variety of potato, showed that the growth parameters like percentage of plant emergence, percent tubers emerged, plant height at 30 and 75 DAP, number of haulms plant-1 (75 DAP), number of compound leaves plant-1 at 75 DAP as well as the yield attributing characters (ie., number of tubers plant-1, tuber weight plant-1, marketable yield plot-1, and non-marketable yield plot-1 and total yield plot-1) were significantly influenced by different treatment combination of FYM, NPK, poultry manure and vermicompost. However, the combination of poultry manure and the RDF applied @10t h-1 + 50 per cent R.D.F exhibited maximum weight of tuber plant-1, marketable yield plot-1, non marketable yield plot-1, total yield plot-1, gross income (Rs. 2,79.666), net income (Rs 163914) and B: C ratio (141), minimum weight of tubers plant-1, marketable yield plant-1, the total yield gross income, net income and the Benefit: Cost and the lowest was recorded in T4 (vermi compost @ 20 t ha-1).



Potato, INM, Vermicompost, Poultry Manure, FYM, Sustainable Agriculture.


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