
Global Sci-Tech journal is quarterly published by Al-falah University. It is an international refereed e-journal as well as print journal. It have the aim to propagate innovative scientific research and eminence in knowledge. It provides publication of articles in all areas of Engineering & Technology. Global Sci-Tech Journals has become a prominent contributor for the research communities and societies.This Journal is making the bridge between research and industrial developments. The key objectives of this Journal is to provide a platform for the promulgation of research outputs and activities in engineering fields. To publish knowledge and results in an efficient and effective manner. To ensure the implementation of copyright and intellectual property law, Global Sci-Tech Journal keeps a strong eye on the content of research papers. To encourage new research for the industrial applications in engineering fields. To improve the standards of scientific journals for the international dissemination of information. To bring together and build a team of outstanding experts on one platform from all over the world. To produce the authentic and qualitative research. The core vision of Global Sci-Tech is to disseminate new knowledge and technology for the benefit of everyone ranging from the academic and professional research communities to industry practitioners in a range of topics in computer science & engineering in general and information & communication security, mobile & wireless networking, and wireless communication systems. It also provides a venue for high-calibre researchers, PhD students and professionals to submit on-going research and developments in these areas. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. For this purpose we would like to ask you to contribute your excellent papers in computer sciences and relevant fields. To submit your manuscript please visits online submission of our website. I hope you find this journal informative and useful. It is a new initiative. Your comments will help us to improve the quality and content of the journal.

Indexed/Abstracted - Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, I2OR, DRJI, ISRA-JIF and IIJIF.
Global Sci-Tech
Publication's web-site
Publisher: Al-falah School of Engineering and Technology
p-ISSN: 0975-9638
e-ISSN: 2455-7110
Journal DOI: 10.5958/2455-7110.2018
Issues/Year: 4
Frequency: Quarterly
Published in: January, April, July, October
Current Volume
Volume-14, Issue-1 (January–March)
Volume-14, Issue-1 (January–March)
Volume-13, Issue-3and4 (July–December)
Volume-13, Issue-2 (April–June)
Volume-13, Issue-1 (January–March)
Volume-12, Issue-4 (October-December)
Volume-12, Issue-3 (July–September)
Volume-12, Issue-2 (April–June)
Volume-12, Issue-1 (January–March)
Volume-11, Issue-4 (October-December)
Volume-11, Issue-3 (July–September)
Volume-11, Issue-2 (April–June)
Volume-11, Issue-1 (January–March)
Volume-10, Issue-4 (October-December)
Volume-10, Issue-3 (July–September)
Volume-10, Issue-2 (April–June)
Volume-10, Issue-1 (January–March)
Volume-9, Issue-4 (October-December)
Volume-9, Issue-3 (July–September)
Volume-9, Issue-2 (April–June)
Volume-9, Issue-1 (January–March)
Volume-8, Issue-4 (October-December)
Volume-8, Issue-3 (July–September)
Volume-8, Issue-2 (April–June)
Volume-8, Issue-1 (January–March)
Volume-7, Issue-4 (October-December)
Volume-7, Issue-3 (July–September)
Volume-7, Issue-2 (April–June)
Volume-7, Issue-1 (January–March)
Volume-6, Issue-4 (October–December)