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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2018, Volume : 9, Issue : 12
First page : ( 567) Last page : ( 572)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.01897.1

Relationship between self-concept with women's premenopause anxiety in facing the menopause, in Pamekasan, East Java

Yulianto1, Lestari Yufi Aris1, Toga Erik2, Amin Muh. Al2, Munfadlila Asef Wildan3, Ahmadi1

1Shcool of Health Sciences, Dian Husada, Mojokerto, East Java

2Shcool of Health Sciences, Banyuwangi, East Java

3Shcool of Health Sciences Bina Sehat PPNI, Mojokerto, East Java

Online published on 9 January, 2019.



Menopause is a natural thing that happens to every woman, Some people think that menopause is a pleasant thing and some think that menopause is sadness because of losing productive time, often women face menopause with anxiety and anxiety because menopause is identical to aging, mostly women enter the premenopausal period three to five years earlier than actual menopause. This study aims to determine the correlation concept of self with women's anxiety in the face of menopause.


The study design used analytic observational with a partial cross-sectional approach, the independent variables in this study were self-concept and dependent anxiety, with a population of 70 respondents. The sample was 60 respondents using Probability Sampling simple random sampling technique using questionnaires. To obtain the significance level of the relationship, chi-square (x²) statistical test was performed with α = 0.05.


The results showed that most respondents had a positive self-concept, that most respondents have experienced mild anxiety, there is a relationship of self-concept with women's fear in the face of menopause in Sampang Village, Sampang District, Madura Regency.


The results of this study are expected to add insight and knowledge for respondents especially regarding self-concept and anticipate the occurrence of anxiety in the face of menopause so that they are ready to face the age of menopause.



Anxiety, Self Concept, Menopause.


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