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Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR)
Year : 2018, Volume : 7, Issue : 9
First page : ( 425) Last page : ( 432)
Online ISSN : 2278-4853.

Methodology of information technology information of ifodalization of components in organic chemistry course

Shernazarov I. E.*, Abdukadirov A. A**

*Academic lyceum teacher in TPTI, Email id: shernazarov_iskandar855@mail.ru

**Professor, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Uzbekistan

Online published on 10 October, 2018.


One of the most important aspects of reform is the introduction of modern information technologies in the educational process. This course is designed to provide an explicit explanation of the subject, using the pedagogical technologies, to prepare students an animated look or video of chemical processes that are difficult to imagine. The use of modern information technologies in the teaching process of “organic chemistry” enriches science-based guidelines and guidelines for the introduction of information technology into the educational process of continuous education. Interesting animations and slides on the subject are based on the combination of information technology and pedagogical technologies. Through these animations, students can learn the spatial formations of organic matter, their properties, and their properties. Thus, it is easier to absorb the spatial visibility of the substances mentioned above with the help of information technology, and to explain the formulas of organic matter formation [7–11]. This course is designed to provide an explicit explanation of the subject, using the pedagogical technologies, to prepare students an animated look or video of chemical processes that are difficult to imagine.



Pedagogical Technologies, Multimedia, Teaching-Methodological, Informatics, Mathematics.


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