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Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 2spl
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 13)
Print ISSN : 2347-2146. Online ISSN : 2347-6869. Published online : 2020 December 9.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2347-6869.2020.00009.6

Linguistic Analysis of Literary Narratives: A Different Approach to the Study of Women’s Emigration from Ukraine

Hlazkova Olena*

University of Alberta, Canada

*Email: hlazkova@ualberta.ca https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8114-385X

Online Published on 8 September, 2022.

Received:  25  ,  2021; Accepted:  17  ,  2022.


The present study aims to reveal how evaluative meanings shape the depiction of Ukrainian emigration and women emigrants in Ukrainian literature of the early 2000s by employing Appraisal Theory developed within the framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics and subjecting excerpts from the following five novels to an in-depth linguistic analysis: Usi dorohy vedut’ do Rymu by Olesia Halych, Shliub iz kukhlem Pil’zens’koho pyva by Lesia Stepovychka, Ia znaiu, shcho ty znaiesh, shcho ia znaiu by Irena Rozdobud’ko, Hastarbaiterky by Natalka Doliak, and Korotka istoriia traktoriv po-ukraiins’ky by Marina Lewycka. The authors employ various grammatical and lexical items to communicate their assessments of the emigrant women characters and the phenomenon of emigration from Ukraine. Appraisal Theory allows us to identify such linguistic realisations of evaluations and interpret authors’ attitudinal positions voiced or implied in text. This research is significant as the first study of its kind using Appraisal Theory to analyse literary texts written in Ukrainian thus expanding the theory’s reach and relevance. Additionally, employing linguistic techniques when assessing the depiction of women’s emigration and its agents enriches an analysis by providing a detailed and balanced perspective. The findings of this research contribute to the fields of literary studies, linguistics, and migration studies.



Labour migration, Zarobitchanstvo, Ukraine, Women emigrants, Emigration of women, Appraisal theory, Evaluation, Assessment, Linguistic analysis, Attitudinal positioning, Ukrainian literature.


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