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Journal Submission Guidelines
Article Submission Guidelines

Journal Submission Guidelines

This page describes the process for adding a journal to ijour.net and explains what is required of the participating journals. Interested publishers should also read the Journal Submission Guidelines.

Start-Up Process and Requirements for New Journals

Journal Contacts

Please send the following journal registration information to DE:

  • Journal title and ISSN
  • Publisher's name and address
  • Publisher's contact � name, email address and phone number of someone who will work with DE on policy, content, presentation style and similar matters.
  • Vendor's contact � name, email address and phone number of the person responsible for sending journal data files to DE, if a vendor will be doing that on behalf of the journal.

Required Data Formats
A journal must supply the full text of articles to DE in an XML (eXtensible Markup Language) format which conforms to any established DTD (Document Type Definition) for journal articles. Figures should be supplied as high-resolution (TIFF or Encapsulated PostScript) images. A PDF may be submitted in addition to the SGML/XML version of an article but not as the primary (or only) electronic form of the article. Supplementary material in the form of video, audio or data files may also be submitted.

Journal Presentation Style
ijour.net online presentation style allows a journal to maintain a distinct identity and at the same time, provides a certain consistency of appearance and functionality across ijour.net for the benefit of users. The journal identity is set by the journal logo at the top of each page.

ijour.net Participation Agreement
Before a journal is publicly released in ijour.net, the publisher must complete a Memorandum of Understanding with DE.

Click for a copy of Memorandum of Understanding.


Article Submission Guidelines

In case you wish us to submit your work to any of ijour.net associate Journals Editorial Board please follow the Article/Data Submission Guidelines.

For query regarding the manuscript submission, please feel free to contact us on: info@ijour.net.

However, decision of The Editorial Board of the concerned Journal will be final and binding to all the parties concerned.


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