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Journal of Orofacial & Health Sciences
Year : 2015, Volume : 6, Issue : 3
First page : ( 101) Last page : ( 107)
Print ISSN : 0976-5360. Online ISSN : 2229-3264.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2229-3264.2015.00020.9

Work-Life Balance Demystified

Banerjee Aroop, Guest Author

Wing Commander (Retd), Founder Director Koncept, Kaleidoscope Soft Skills and Personal Development, Facilitator, Email id: profaroopbanerjee@gmail.com

Online published on 22 March, 2016.


Today's fast paced life has ushered in an ‘Era of Transformation'. One is accomplishing professional success at a much early stage of his/her life and is proud to be acclaimed as ‘Successful'. However, somewhere in this race to success, one is also witnessing many cases of early burnout, depression, isolation from our social circles and in some cases extreme outcomes like suicide. Such a phenomenon is not limited to men, and today's women are also facing such challenges. The presence of women pursuing professional careers is on the increase. Dual career couples, single parents and nuclear family are a common feature today. Similarly, the organisations also more demanding of their employees, and the internet and mobile phones have made it possible for the organisations to keep in a constant touch with the employees both during the day and at night. Women employees are not only managing their career but also manage their family, children, social life and also personal interests and hobbies. Thus, they are at crossroads of balancing time, involvement and satisfaction in their professional and family life. The need of a balance between one's professional life and personal life has never been as palpable as it is now. Organisations and individuals, individually and collectively, are working out ways and means to ensure that a homogenous balance is established between the work and personal demands which are being faced by individuals.



Profession, Family life, Balance, Constituents, Border Theory, Work and Personal Demands, Linking Mechanism.


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