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SAARJ Journal on Banking & Insurance Research
Year : 2023, Volume : 12, Issue : 3
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 11)
Online ISSN : 2319-1422.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2319-1422.2023.00006.1

Relationship between employment and economic growth in Uzbekistan

Qizi Amirdjanova Sitora Sunnat

PhD Student, TSUE, Uzbekistan, Email id: s.kurbonov@gmail.com

Online published on 3 July, 2023.


The article is devoted to the issues of the relationship between employment and sustainable economic growth. The logic of the research given in the article is as follows. In order to judge such a relationship, it is necessary to understand what are the features of the current state of economic growth and employment development, through which models and conceptual approaches their evolutionary formation has passed. Using the positions of domestic and foreign authors, the links between stability and growth, growth and employment are presented, as well as to what extent economic growth satisfies the need to increase the number of jobs and increase labor productivity. Attention is focused on the analysis of a number of key issues covering employment trends in Uzbekistan, the growth of total incomes, wage dynamics, as well as the impact on employment of certain aspects of macroeconomic policy.



Economic Growth, Employment, Macroeconomic Policy, Sustainability, Jobs, GDP, Decent Work.


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