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SAARJ Journal on Banking & Insurance Research
Year : 2023, Volume : 12, Issue : 5
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 9)
Online ISSN : 2319-1422.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2319-1422.2023.00008.5

Understanding diabetes: A chronic disease troubling millions of people in the world in the 21st century (1)

Ntshangase Israel Mbuso

Doctor of Ministries, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Adventist University of AfricaNairobi, Kenya, East Africa, Email id: ntshangasei@nc.adventist.org

Online published on 30 October, 2023.


The primary focus of this article is the understanding diabetes as a chronic disease, which is troubling millions of people in the world currently. The study examines the origin, the spread, and management strategies for the diabetes. Health professionals agree that the disease is chronic, therefore not curable in most cases. Again, they agree that it is a family disease, meaning that it runs through the family history. They also say that it is a lifestyle disease. The Seventh-day Adventist Church generally is health-conscious organization, and is concerned about the negative impact of diseases, which ravages humanity nowadays. The disease has other related diseases that go with it, such as high blood pressure, blindness, stroke, kidney failure to mention just a few. Such and other diabetic complications will be discussed in this article. For this reason, such illnesses will also be looked at in order to comprehensively preserve lives and encourage the health consciousness of the people living today. This study focuses on the following subtopics: Understanding diabetes, history of diabetes, types of diabetes, blood glucose, diabetic symptoms, diagnosis, and preventing and reversing diabetes, etc.


The purpose of the study is to make a significant contribution in the better or full understanding of diabetes as well as how to prevent, treat it or manage it successfully. Developing relevant strategies, which would prolong life with a disease for all who live with it and their immediate families.


It must be noted that the history of diabetes traces its origin from 1550s BC. How and why, it was initially named diabetes mellitus. The very first physician who discovered diabetes, and its symptoms will be mentioned. Among many attempts to prevent, treat or reverse diabetes, three main methodologies would be revealed, such as diet, exercise, and medication.



Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Diabetic Complications.



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