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Year : 2022, Volume : 13, Issue : 1and2
First page : ( 14) Last page : ( 24)
Print ISSN : 2231-0681. Online ISSN : 2231-069X. Published online : 2022  17.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2231-069X.2022.00002.6

An Investigation into the Leadership Traits of Successful Women Entrepreneurs: With Reference to Coimbatore and Erode Cities

Swathi P.1,*, Indiradevan Y.1, Vidhyapriya P.2, Mohanasundari M.3

1First Year Student, Department of Management Studies, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Tamil Nadu, India

2Professor and Head, Department of Management Studies, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Tamil Nadu, India

3Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Tamil Nadu, India

*Corresponding author email id: swathipushpavel@gmail.com

Online Published on 17 August, 2023.


The Indian sociological structure has always been dominated by men. Women are regarded as the weaker sex and must always rely on men in their homes and outside of it throughout their lives. They are left with fewer commitments and are preserved as a dormant force for an extended period of time. They were just subordinates and executors of decisions made by other men members of the basic family structure in Indian society. In the present era, the classic setup is altering. The shift in Indian society’s social fabric in terms of women’s increasing educated status and diverse ambitions for a better life prompted a change in Indian women’s lifestyle. Indian households are coveted by westerners because women here are taking on more duties in raising children and creating a better home filled with love and affection. Women folk carry out the duty of co-ordinating numerous activities at the household level in a much more effective way, without experiencing the discomfort of inconveniences. Indian women have basic characters in the current sociological and cultural setting. (1) Coordination of the concepts of economics and resources execution of choices placed on them is efficient. (2) A strong vision and purpose for the betterment of the family and children. (3) Patience and the ability to bear the sorrows of others, as well as the capability to work physically harder at any age.

In order to achieve long-term growth, women’s empowerment must be promoted. Women have far less access to school, jobs, income and authority than men in many developing countries, including India. Indian women have not reached the intended success in the mainstream of life after five and a half decades of planned development. Unless and until the status and role of women are enhanced, our country will be unable to compete with others. Women in India were once restricted to the four walls of their houses, their strength and ability unknown and unaccounted for. Fish processing and commercialisation are two important occupations in which women’s contributions may be seen throughout the country. However, their involvement and commitment in aquaculture research, development and teaching, as well as defence, are expanding. All women who have equal access to economic freedom are able to reach their full potential as individuals. Entrepreneurship has been referred to as the economic system’s nursery, a crucial location for the incubation of new products and a key factor in the development of any nation, including India. More and more people are realising that ambitious women possess a wide range of skills that might be used to shift their roles from ‘work seekers’ to ‘job providers’. The development of entrepreneurship is exemplified by Coimbatore and Erode Cities. It has seen significant economic and industrial expansion in recent years. It now has more resources to aid the expansion of women-owned businesses. Compared to the rest of Tamil Nadu, Coimbatore and Erode have the highest concentration of women entrepreneurs. It is believed that this city is ideal for a study on women entrepreneurs as a result. The study examines the link between women entrepreneurs and their leadership skills in an effort to understand the business development of women.



Women entrepreneurs, Work seekers, Development, Job providers, Coimbatore and Erode cities.



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