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EXCEL International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies
Year : 2021, Volume : 11, Issue : 2
First page : ( 37) Last page : ( 59)
Online ISSN : 2249-8834.

E-business and Internet Marketing

Dr. Mishra Lalita

[M. Com, Ph D., Ugc Net Qualified] Guest Faculty, Govt. Gandhi College, Balaji Mihona, Bhind, Jiwaji University, EMAIL: vibhulalita28@gmail.com

Online published on 30 May, 2021.


This is the age of technology. Therefore, it is highly obligatory for businesses to have their presence over the internet irrespective of whether they seek global presence or local and whether they are a manufacturing or a service industry. Web identity has become mandatory due to several reasons: Firstly, people don't have enough time to travel long distances and do a physical survey before buying a product or availing a service. Secondly, more than 50% of the people in UK (ranking third all over Europe) are using internet (Usage and Population Statistics) and can easily compare a range of products online before deciding the best one. Another reason is that the corporate can reach a wider audience and targeted group of customers using internet as medium. These kind of transactions over the internet is nothing but e-business. “IBM (2003) defines e business in terms of benefits that can be achieved by putting key processes online. In their view the key to becoming an e business is putting ‘all core business processes (especially all processes that require a dynamic and interactive flow of information)’online ‘to improve service, cut costs and sell products.” (B. Wall, 2007)

Today e-business has become an integral part of our day to day lives right from banking to shopping and even entertainment. Going back 10 years, we realise that people could not even think of any system through which to make online financial transactions. Today, online transactions can be conducted not only at organisation levels but also at individual levels. People needn't rush to the bank for every single transaction; they can do it at the click of a mouse, at their own convenience. To appreciate it further, sending and receiving payments and various commodities can be done at global level. All this is due to the sharp growth of e-business in the last few years. Today people are becoming used to online transactions and it has become mandatory for the companies to provide online services in order to stand the technological competition. Talking about Bright Jewellery Limited, we prefer online shoppers in order to avoid shop-lifting. At Bright Jewellery, we have realised that at least 10% of the customers come with an intention of shop-lifting. Our business has suffered a lot of loss due to this. Moreover, trying to be more alert with this kind of customers hinders our customer service towards our regular and good customers. If we employ more staff to overcome this, the cost of the products will increase, ultimately defaming us as an ‘expensive shop’. We also receive frequent inquiries from our regular customers for the online shopping facility. Hence, the need to develop an interactive website which provides a solution to such problems has been identified. Moreover, we have customers from not only all over Britain, but from all over Europe and even some of the African countries. Therefore, it is obvious that all our customers cannot manage to come personally every time for replenishing the products.


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