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International Journal of Dental and Medical Specialty
Year : 2020, Volume : 7, Issue : 1
First page : ( 15) Last page : ( 19)
Print ISSN : 2350-0921. Online ISSN : 2394-4196.
Article DOI : 10.30954/IJDMS.1.2020.4

Quality of life in patients with dental prosthesis in south indian population - Chennai, Tamil Nadu: An epidemiological survey

Hussain Sharmila*, Sathyamoorthy Gayathri

Department of Prosthodontics, Madha Dental College and Hospital-Kunrathur, Tamil Nadu, India

*Address for Correspondence: Sharmila Hussain, Madha Dental College, Somangalam Main Rd, Madha Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu-600 069, India, E-mail: hsharhuss@Gmail.com

Online published on 19 September, 2020.


A questionnaire consisting of approximately 9 questions is prepared individually for patients and circulated in specified locality and the responses given by the patients are statistically analysed to determine the awareness about “QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH DENTAL PROSTHESIS”. The patients are completely/partially edentulous and who are prosthesis wearers. About 179 patients were surveyed and analysed. Patients’ perceived Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) may be defined as a multidimensional construct incorporating at least three broad domains: physical, psychological and social functioning. In the dental field, assessment of an individual's Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) has been exponentially increasing during the last decade to evaluate the impact of a disease or of treatment efficacy. Particularly in prosthodontics, several studies and systematic reviews have demonstrated that partial and conventional complete dentures significantly improved OHRQoL, especially concerning aesthetics and function. Qualities of life include the subjective sense of physical and/or mental well-being. In its broadest and most inclusive sense, it is sometimes referred to as “life satisfaction”. Bio-functionality tests are employed to investigate theprevalence of missing teeth and prosthodontic replacements in South Indian adult population using a hierarchical dental functional classification system. The paper aims to evaluate quality of life in patients with dental prosthesis done in south Indian population - Chennai, Tamilnadu: an epidemiological survey. The reasons for measuring HRQOL and functional status are that they provide a means of identifying and monitoring the impact of disease and interventions on the physical and mental health of elderly individuals as they themselves perceive this impact. Some of the causes of decreased HRQOL may be preventable and others are treatable with appropriate interventions. Short questionnaires that ask about these issues and are incorporated routinely into patient visits can provide information on HRQOL that alerts clinicians to changes that otherwise might go unrecognized. The number of “20 natural teeth” is the generally accepted WHO operative criterion for a functional natural dentition for adequate bio-functionality. In conclusion Quality of life is certainly disturbed in complete/partial edentulism. It includes in all aspect from psychological to functional.



Edentulism, Chennai, OHRQoL, Prosthodontics.



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