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Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology
Year : 2015, Volume : 2, Issue : 1
First page : ( 21) Last page : ( 25)
Print ISSN : 2394-2118. Online ISSN : 2394-2126.

Morphometric and morphological study of distal end of ulnae of south Indian population

Oommen Sainu Susan

Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Fr. Muller Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka, India. E-mail: sainu1712@gmail.com

Online published on 16 April, 2015.



The wrist is a complex joint that serves as the link between the forearm and hand and is critical for many upper extremity movements. An understanding of distal end of ulna anatomy allows for appreciation of the biomechanics of wrist movement, which helps the clinician to understand injury patterns, perform an efficient history and physical examination, and improve diagnostic accuracy and treatment decisions. Keeping this in mind, anatomy of distal end of ulna is studied on south Indian population.


The distal end of 100 ulnae (50 of each sides) of unknown sex from the Anatomy department of Fr. muller medical college, Mangalore were studied for natural variation in the shape and width of pole, height of the seat, width of fovea and shape and size of styloid process.


The average width of pole was 5.13mm.84% of pole showed kidney shape. The average maximum height of seat was 6.5mm and 65% showed sloping. The average width of fovea was 4.32mm and 36% showed absence of vascular foramina. The length of styloid process recorded was 5.6mm and 4% of left ulnae showed absence of styloid process. Also noted that 18% absence in groove of ECU.


Careful observation of the lower end of ulna shows that it is made up of four main parts, viz, seat, pole, fovea and styloid process. These parts play an important role in anatomy and physiology of DRUJ and wrist. Any alterations in the morphometric and morphology can produce various clinical conditions like perforation of TFCC, ulnar impaction syndrome, ulnar styloid triquetral impaction syndrome.



Distal end of ulna, head of ulna, seat, styloid process.


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