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Journal of Dairying Foods & Home Sciences
Year : 2001, Volume : 20, Issue : 1
First page : ( 36) Last page : ( 40)
Print ISSN : 0971-4456. Online ISSN : 0976-0563.

Physico-chemical status of major milk constituents and minerals at different stages of indigenous product preparation III-chhana

Boghra V.R.*, Mathur O.N.

Dairy Chemistry Dlvision National Dairy Research Institute Karnal-132 001, India

*Present address: SMC College of Dairy Science, GAU, Anand - 388 110, India


The isolation of milk solids through acid coagulation of milk increased the amouhts of solids (fat, protein, milk salts) in recoverable mass of chhana. Whey also carried sizable amounts of soluble solids with it. Chhana from buffalo milk carried less moisture and leatose, higher fat, protein and milk salts as compared with chhana from cow milk. Under identical preparation conditions, fat losses were higher in cow chhana whey. Although, great amounts of minerals drained along with whey at pH 5.7, large amounts of various minerals aggregated and retained in coagulated mass. Both chhana samples did not reveal any uniform pattern for soluble mineral distribution as was evident for total mineral composition while converting milk into chhana. It was inferred that the distribution pattern of soluble mineral in corresponding chhana samples was changed as a combined action of heat and acid. The retention of percent soluble of total minerals was lower in buffalo milk chhana thari in chhana from cow milk. It was irrespective of original distribution pattern in both milk systems.


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