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JIMS8I International Journal of Information Communication and Computing Technology
Year : 2023, Volume : 11, Issue : 2
First page : ( 692) Last page : ( 701)
Online ISSN : 2347-7202.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2347-7202.2023.00009.9

The role of smart tourism in India for optimizing visitor experiences through technology

Dr. Kumar Naveen R1, Mrs. Pavithra R2, Dr. Yuvaraj V3, Dr. Kumar T Muthu4

1Assistant Professor, School of Management, Kristu Jayanti, naveen.austin@gmail.com

2Assistant Professor, Department of AI & ML, Kongunadu Arts & Science College, pavithrachandrasekar22@gmail.com

3Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Kristu Jayanti College, yuvastat@gmail.com

4Professor, Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship, tmkumar13@yahoo.co.in

Online Published on 23 January, 2024.


India acknowledges the transformative power of technology in its diverse and captivating tourism landscape. Embracing the concept of smart tourism, the country leverages advanced technologies like IoT, AI, big data analytics, mobile apps, and AR to offer seamless and personalized experiences to tourists. IoT devices like beacons and wearable’s provide real-time information, while AI-driven Chatbots enhance customer support. Big data analytics optimizes tourist flows, and mobile apps serve as digital companions for booking and updates. AR brings India's cultural heritage to life, further engaging visitors. Despite challenges like cyber security and preserving authenticity, smart tourism holds enormous potential to propel India's tourism industry to greater heights. Collaboration among stakeholders is vital to unlock the full benefits of technology-driven tourism. The authors conduct an empirical investigation into the importance of using ICTs during the tourism experience, evaluating their accessibility and impact on tourist decisions. They analyze the influence of internet- based applications and information on the tourism experience and overall satisfaction levels. The study, based on a dataset of 285 tourists in a selected city, establishes significant associations between opinions on AI, AR, technology in eco- friendly initiatives, and sustainability in smart tourism.



Smart Tourism, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Mobile Applications, Cultural Heritage, Sustainability, Customer Experience.



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