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IASH Journal- International Association for Small Hydro
Year : 2022, Volume : 11, Issue : 1
First page : ( 37) Last page : ( 41)
Print ISSN : 2250-0103. Online ISSN : 2250-0111.

Scenario of Small Hydro Power Plant (SHP) in India and Effects on Climate Change: An Ecofriendly Approach Towards Sustainability

Gupta Sanjeev Kumar1, Dwivedi Vijay Kumar1, Kumar Notan2

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering & Technology, GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India

2Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Polytechnic, GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India

Online Published on 16 July, 2022.


Water is the crucial asset to help all shape life on earth. Tragically it isn't uniformly conveyed over the world via season or area. Hydroelectricity is the term alluding to power created by hydropower, the creation of electrical force using the gravitational power of falling and streaming water. It is most broadly utilized type of sustainable power source. Once the hydro electric complex is developed, the item delivers no immediate waste. Hydroelectricity produces 16.6% of the word electricity, and accounted for about 70% of electricity from renewable source in 2015 and was expected to increase by about 3.1% each year for the next 25 years [1]. The annual hydroelectric production of India is 122.31 TWh while installed capacity is 43.8 GW. The national electric grid in India has an installed capacity of 368.79 GW as of 31 December 2019. The hydropower contributes 25%.[2]. In India, hydropower ventures with a station limit of up to 25 MW each fall under the class of little hydropower (SHP). India has an expected SHP capability of around 16000 MW, of which about 18.5% has been tapped so far for example 2960 MW. Service of MNRE has made a database of potential locales of little hydro and 5,718 potential destinations with a total limit of 15384.15 MW for ventures up to 25 MW limit have been distinguished as on 2019. Environmental change has suggestions for both human and characteristic frameworks and could prompt critical changes in asset use creation and monetary action. Because of the effect and potential effects of environmental change universal, local, national and neighbourhood activities are being created and executed to constrain and moderate GHGs fixation in the Earth's climate. The worldwide worry for reasonable improvement and environmental change has brought grouping of vitality strategy creators towards the sustainable power sources since these give vitality, without emanations of ozone depleting substances (GHGs) and are additionally plentiful asset accessible for future. In the present paper an endeavour has been made to depict the potential and use of little hydropower in India for the practical advancement of the nation.



Renewable Energy, SHP, Climate Change, Sustainability, Greenhouse gas.


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