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Shikshan Anveshika
Year : 2017, Volume : 7, Issue : 2
First page : ( 96) Last page : ( 99)
Print ISSN : 2231-1386. Online ISSN : 2348-7534.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2348-7534.2017.00019.8

Role of Homework in Teaching Learning at Sixth Standard

Anand Sonia1,*,  Namrata2,**

1Associate Professor, Hindu College of Education, Sonipat

2M. Ed. Student, Hindu College of Education, Sonipat

*Email id: sonia30111970@yahoo.co.in


Online published on 5 April, 2018.


Homework is defined as any work planned and approved by the teacher to be completed by student outside the regular classroom, usually due within a short period of time. The term homework refers to the school each assigned by the teacher, school or other educational institution. Homework if skillfully planned is appropriate to relate in a meaningful way to the process of teaching and learning of subject in the classroom. The purpose of homework is to integrate skills into the learner such as ability to draw, developed abstract thinking and constructing new knowledge. In the present study aimed to know the role of homework in teaching learning process at sixth standard level of private and government school of Rohini in Delhi. The purpose of the study was to know views of students of private and government school, teachers of private and government school and parents of private and government school. The researchers used Purposive sampling to collect data. The study being quantitative used survey method. To analysis the data Statistical techniques were employed in the form of percentages, (%) and computing the “t” test respectively. Results revealed that most of the students, teachers and parents have an opinion that Homework given by teachers are meaningful and interesting and helps children to perform well in examinations.



Homework, Sixth Standard, Teaching-learning process etc.


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