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International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
Year : 2019, Volume : 9, Issue : 6
First page : ( 65) Last page : ( 105)
Online ISSN : 2249-2496.

Challenges of change army implementation: The case of benishangul Gumuz Regional State

Eyasu Ermias Tasew, MBA, Ferede Mulualem Tarekegn, MPM

Assosa University, Assosa

Online published on 27 September, 2019.


The civil service reform is meant for modernizing the civil service all over the world. This study is a cross-sectional quantitative and qualitative research on assessing the challenges of change army implementation. However, some research findings indicates that, when new scenario is introduced, the civil service effectiveness is inhibited by many administrative bureaucracies. However, leadership style and resistance to change are the major factors studied. Simple random sampling technique with stratification is employed to select 353 respondents. The researchers used a semi-structured questionnaire and focus group discussion to collect data. Data presentation, analysis and interpretation are made with the aid of descriptive statistics.the application of the change army scenario is highly inhibited by misunderstanding and poor leadership, the awareness level and perception of employees towards change army implementation is too much low. Inadequate resources, lack of motivation of leaders and employees, and lack of leadership support are most challenges during change army implementation. Therefore, the reality of the change army concepts and goals needs to be well communicated; the change army's working manual which presents the overall job descriptions of change army team leaders and each members should be known by everyone and it must be documented, as well. Because-change army leaders and team members need to internalize the concept of the change army scenario. The knowledge gap of the change army leaders about the new scenario needs to be successfully addressed through effective training initiatives so that leaders can have exemplary leadership roles.



Change Army, Group dynamics, One-to-five Team Civil Service Modernization, Civil Service Reform.



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