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ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 2
First page : ( 63) Last page : ( 71)
Online ISSN : 2231-5780.

Ethical issues faced by college students by the usage of social networking sites with reference to Theni district

Joshitta R. Shantha Mary1, Nagajothi N.2, Sujitha M.2

1Head, Dept. of Computer Science, Jayaraj Annapackiam College for Women (Autonomous), Periyakulam – 625 601, Theni DT, Tamil Nadu, India

2II PG Students, Dept. of Computer Science, Jayaraj Annapackiam College for Women (Autonomous), Periyakulam – 625 601, Theni DT, Tamil Nadu, India

Online published on 11 April, 2014.


Today's society is based around technology. Everything we do revolve around the Internet. It has provided an enormous opportunity for the people to meet each other and to share personal details by means of social networking sites (SNS). Social networking websites, such as Facebook and MySpace, have grown in tremendous popularity, particularly amongst college students. Youngsters’ personal use of SNS can also create ethical challenges in their life and career. It can be more problematic to identify and deal with dilemmas in this context than if a person is acting irresponsibly whilst commenting anything important and emotional. They use these social platforms in a very antisocial way by online bullying, fake accounts and breaching in someone's privacy. Today's college students have become so addictive about their digital identities that they forget the real world surrounding them. Social network addiction, privacy paradox in social networking sites, physical and physiological issues, time hacker networking are some of the issues highlighted of SNS. This study evaluates the number of factors that create concern over the usage of SNS among college students in Theni district, one of the south western districts of Tamilnadu state of India. The data of the study have been collected through a survey of individual college student’ opinion, and treated by a statistical tool.



College Students, Ethical Issues, India, Social Networking Sites, Theni District, Youth.


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