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Year : 2023, Volume : 16, Issue : 1
First page : ( 44) Last page : ( 49)
Print ISSN : 0974-0600. Online ISSN : 0976-2442. Published online : 2023  16.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-2442.2023.00009.5

Deconstructing the notion of feminism among young urban men: Role of social media

Anand Sarita, Riddhi*

Department of Development Communication and Extension, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India

*Corresponding author email id: riddhi2497@gmail.com

Online Published on 16 February, 2024.

:  08  January,  2023; :  20  June,  2023.


This research delves into the perspectives of young urban men on feminism in India, a nation contending with deeply ingrained gender inequality and patriarchal norms. Grounded in Adichie’s insights and acknowledging India’s low Gender Gap Index ranking, the study explores how men navigate societal expectations and evolving roles within the feminist discourse. Employing online methods during the COVID-19 pandemic, the research utilizes Likert scales and a questionnaire for 66 male respondents aged 21-35. The findings indicate a generally positive orientation toward feminism but unveil disparities in understanding certain aspects. The study categorizes statements into those reflecting firm views, a moderate distribution, and varied responses, thus illuminating challenges despite addressing hostile sexism. Respondents’ motivations for embracing feminism encompass a commitment to inclusivity, combating gender violence, pursuing freedom of choice, and eradicating gender discrimination. Significant motivators include personal experiences, media exposure, and reflections on inequalities. The research underscores the substantial role of social media in shaping feminist discussions among men. While the study reveals minimal instances of cyberbullying, it highlights challenges such as benevolent sexism. In conclusion, the research provides nuanced insights into men’s perceptions of feminism, emphasizing positive attitudes, persistent challenges, and men’s potential as catalysts in feminist narratives.



Feminism, Young urban men, Social media, Gender inequality, Adichie’s insights.



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