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Journal of Plant Disease Sciences
Year : 2008, Volume : 3, Issue : 2
First page : ( 176) Last page : ( 181)
Print ISSN : 0973-7456.

Protection of papaya (Carica papaya L.) against viral diseases through plant products

Singh Shyam, Awasthi L. P.

Department of Plant Pathology, Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad-224 229, (U.P.).


Field experiments were undertaken to determine the effect of antiviral agents of plant origin on the incidence of virus disease of papaya and their impact on plant height, yield and yield attributing characters. The appearance of disease symptoms significantly delayed with ten sprays of Boerhaavia diffusa root extract followed by ten sprays of Clerodendrum aculeatum, eight sprays of B. diffusa, eight sprays of C. aculeatum, six sprays of B. diffusa, six sprays of C. aculeatum, four sprays of B. diffusa, four sprays of C. aculeatum, two sprays of B. diffusa and two sprays of C. aculeatum during 2004–05 and 2005–06. A gradual decrease in disease incidence was recorded with corresponding increase in number of sprays of both antiviral agents. Minimum disease incidence was recorded in plots treated with B. diffusa which was significantly superior over C. aculeatum. Gradual increase in plant height, number of fruits and fruit yield were recorded in both the antiviral agents with the increase in number of sprays. Maximum plant height, number of fruits and fruit yield plant−1 and minimum in C. aculeatum leaf extract during both years.


Key words

Papaya, Boerhaavia diffusaClerodendrum aculeatum, botanical, papaya ringspot virus.


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