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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 4
First page : ( 121) Last page : ( 129)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

Cultivation of media habits among the school children

Arora Anshu, Principal

Bal Bharti School, Bahadurgarh

Online published on 10 April, 2012.


The research is a multi and cross disciplinary research involving other areas such as education, sociology, psychology, economy and general health. The research as Ethnography at its root and the Methodology used is Survey and Interaction method(along with the use of media logs). In order to derive an in-depth understanding of the topic research was carried out in a public School campus.

Students - Six Groups right from classes I to XII. A selective sample of 300 was made from the entire School after dividing it into six groups of 50 each. The selective samplecontained equal number of boys and girls. Apart from this there were low graders and high graders and it was also ensured that they belong to financially different backgrounds. The groups will be as under mentioned-

Teachers– All class teachers and some subject teachers of the respective grade. (A set of 50)

Parents– A set of 50 parents.

This has been done to re-assess the claim made by any one category. Also students – Teachers – Parents is a trio relationship and in very minute aspect a complete understanding of an individual (i.e. a child) is possible only when his personal aspects/personality traits/behavior are known through the parents and his professional (i.e. school and campus life) can only be known to the teacher.


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