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TRANS Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research (TAJMMR)
Year : 2018, Volume : 7, Issue : 1
First page : ( 111) Last page : ( 116)
Online ISSN : 2279-0667.

Holistic approach for sustainable development

Dr. Santhanalakshmi S.*

*PG & Research Department of Economics, Cbm College, Kovaipudur, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

Online published on 9 February, 2018.


The application of holistic approach to sustainable development requires a dramatic change in the culture of societies. Caring for the planet, safeguarding resources for future generations needs to become a genuine principle guiding the decisions of individuals and communities. The idea of sustainable development as a holistic vision implies fundamental changes at all levels of social, economic, political, and cultural structures, which means a fundamental restructuring of present society. Within this context, sustainable development is that development which allows us to meet the needs and aspirations of both present and future generations always in a concrete social-historic and environmental context without undermining the capacity of nature and cultures for self-regeneration, while giving special attention to the eradication of poverty, social injustice, and inequalities in the relations among nations. Sustainable development requires us to redefine all the principles of industrialization, agricultural production, urbanization, etc., that have given form to the present unsustainable technological civilization. It is a multidimensional model of development which limits economic growth and other human activities to the capacity of nature for self-regeneration, places the improvement of the social and human development as its primary goal, and places respect for environmental quality and the limits of nature at the core of any economic, political, educational, and cultural strategy. “Education can ensure that all citizens, young and old, are knowledgeable about the changes that are needed, capable of envisioning alternative futures, committed to democratic ways of achieving them, and sufficiently skilled and motivated to work actively for change. This is education for a sustainable future”. This implies the elimination of all unjust, illegal, and abusive forms of production and distribution of wealth, which produces and reproduces inequality and poverty among people all around the world.



Dramatic, Self-Regeneration, Self-Regeneration, Communities.


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