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Baba Farid University Dental Journal
Year : 2013, Volume : 4, Issue : 3
First page : ( 55) Last page : ( 64)
Print ISSN : 0976-8181. Online ISSN : 2230-7273.

Periodontal-restorative dentistry- “Altering the paradigms of care”

Kaur Gurpreet, Reader, Grover Deepak, Assistant Professor

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Deepak Grover, Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontology & Oral Implantology, National Dental College & Hospital, Derabassi, Punjab

Online published on 28 May, 2014.


Gingival and periodontal diseases in their various forms have affected mankind since the dawn of history. No man is free from it and no race is immune to them. Much has been related to local factors on its etiology. Microbial plaque has been recognised as the most important causative factor in the initiation and progression of periodontal disease.

The etiology of periodontal disease can also be iatrogenic in nature. Iatrogenic disease is defined as "any untoward or adverse consequence of preventive, diagnostic or therapeutic regime or procedure that causes impairment, handicap, disability or death resulting from physician's professional activity or professional activity of other health professionals."

The relationship between Restorative dentistry and Periodontics is a dynamic one, even though it has not been fully appreciated by dental practitioners. An improperly placed restoration may contribute to the breakdown of periodontal structures. For instance, a “high point” in a restoration may precipitate a traumatic occlusion, an inadequately restored contact point may cause food impaction inter- proximally or an overhang in a class II restoration may provide a niche for plaque accumulation thereby lead to periodontal disease. The extension of restorative margins into “self cleansing” surfaces for the control of recurrent decay resulted in the sacrifice of healthy tooth structure and often the initiation of periodontal disease. All of these are one or another form of iatrogenic factors in the etiology of periodontal disease.

If treated from only the restorative viewpoint, some restorative periodontal situations would be impossible to execute or would compromise the patient's periodontal health. With proper management of both the restorative and periodontal aspects, the restorative procedure is simplified and the long term prognosis is greatly enhanced.



Restorations, gingival margin, biologic width, retraction cord, matrix band, over contoured restoration.



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