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ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Year : 2019, Volume : 9, Issue : 4
First page : ( 100) Last page : ( 106)
Online ISSN : 2231-5780.

Impact of ICT-Based education through libraries on rural India: A study

Giri Moumita Pari1, Pattanayak Solanki2

1Librarian, Haldia Institute of Management, Email ID: moumita.parigiri@gmail.com

2Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, Haldia Institute of Management, Email ID: solankipattanayak16@gmail.com

Online published on 8 May, 2019.


The rise of ICT (Information and communication technology) is one of the superb blessings of current science and innovation which has gotten incredible changes the historical backdrop of Library and data science. Use of ICT to library and data work inseparably. From everyday the data innovation is changing and developing at expediently, learning of people groups is ending up increasingly perplexing, aggressive and relying upon mechanical changes. The paper manages how adequately we can utilize ICT (Data and Correspondence Innovation) to reinforce the provincial zones in rural India. There are different perspectives on which the provincial improvement is based as horticulture, enhancing the way of life, giving instruction, ladies strengthening and some more. Right off the bat, the dynamic support of subjects and positive reaction of them is important to execute each one of those things. "Data Correspondence Innovation" focuses on these three words: Data, Correspondence, and Innovation; to advance data through correspondence with the assistance of innovation. The expansive business venture must be done in the horticulture, creature cultivation, and so forth. The paper canters around the need for ICT for provincial advancement in rural India. Executing ICT includes a ton of things. To begin with, to interface with individuals, setting up the system, etc. The procedures can be changed by utilizing ICT as utilizing it by associating with the specialists in the rural India and taking the direction of them to enhance the present circumstance. The paper spotlights on every one of the focuses which add to the rural advancement.



Library, ICT, Rural development, Education, India.


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