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International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR)
Year : 2017, Volume : 7, Issue : 5
First page : ( 57) Last page : ( 65)
Print ISSN : 2394-6962. Online ISSN : 2250-0758.

Employee Retention in an Organization

Ganji Srirekha1MBA (HRM), Dr. Rao Y. Venkateswara2

1Member (HMA), Working Professional, India

2Professor, MBA Department, Mallareddy Engineering College for Women, Maisammaduguda, Secunderabad, India

Online published on 8 December, 2017.


Employee Retention can be described as a firm's capability to retain their employee's. In modern era most of the organisation focus on the Employee Retention and thereby use different strategies for achieving the high retention rate in the market. If a company has high retention rate then it indicates that employee's are satisfied with the workplace and the perks provided by the organisation to their employee's. It refers to the various policies and practices which let the employees stick to an organization for a longer period of time. Every organization invests time and money to groom a new employee, make him a company ready matter and bring him at par with the existing employees. The organization is completely at loss when the employees leave their job once they are fully trained. Employee Retention takes into account the mixture of measures taken so that an individual stays in an organization for the maximum period of time. The more the employee turnover the high wills the losses in the organisation. For any organisation human resources are considered to be the essential resources. With the Employee Retention the productivity will be increased. In the organisation HR have a major role in the Employee Retention. Individuals once being trained have an inclination to move to other organizations for better prospects. High pay scale, comfortable timings, better environment, career growth prospects are some of the factors which prompt an employee to look for a change. Whenever a talented employee expresses his enthusiasm to move on, it is the responsibility of the management and the human resource team to negotiate immediately and find out the exact reasons leading to the decision.



Employee Retention, better environment, career growth prospects.



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