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Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy - An International Journal
Year : 2017, Volume : 11, Issue : 4
First page : ( 69) Last page : ( 73)
Print ISSN : 0973-5666. Online ISSN : 0973-5674.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0973-5674.2017.00122.8

Hamstring Flexibility in Elderly Individuals: A Cross-sectional Study

Kulkarni Shweta1,*, Fernandes Viola2

1Assistant Professor, SDM College of Physiotherapy, Karnataka, Dharwad, India

2Post graduate, SDM College of Physiotherapy, Karnataka, Dharwad, India

*Corresponding author: Dr. Shweta Kulkarni Assistant Professor, SDM College of Physiotherapy, Karnataka, Dharwad, India, E-mail: dr.shweta07@gmail.com,

Online published on 12 January, 2018.


Background and objectives

Decreased hamstring flexibility has been associated with low back pain, postural deviations, gait limitations, risk of falling, which reduces activities like walking, stair climbing etc. In elderly individuals, tight hamstrings may lead to reduced stride length and walking speed, which in turn can cause problems with dynamic balance. Therefore, this study intended to evaluate the hamstring flexibility in the elderly individuals in the age group of 60–95 years by using a simple and standardized chair sit and reach test.


150 elderly individuals were selected as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria from S.D.M College of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad. Individuals were then assessed for their hamstring flexibility by using the chair sit and reach test.


Of the 150 samples, 70 women and 80 men were part of the study. Totally 81 Individuals had reduced hamstring flexibility with below average score whereas 65 Individuals had an average score and 4 Individuals had an above average score.


In both men (80) and women (70) individuals there was reduction in hamstring flexibility with the progression of age. We can conclude that elderly individuals have reduced hamstring flexibility.



hamstring muscle, flexibility, elderly, chair sit and reach test.


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