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IME Journal
Year : 2020, Volume : 14, Issue : 1
First page : ( 123) Last page : ( 128)
Print ISSN : 0974-0716. Online ISSN : 2582-1245.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2582-1245.2020.00017.2

Gandhi as a Harbinger of Peace

Dr. Jamal Naved1, Dr. Kumar Ramesh2*

1Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University), Gulistan-e-Ghalib, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi, 110025, India, E-mail: navedjamal@gmail.com; navedjamal@yahoo.com

2Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Shyamlal College (Eve), University of Delhi, Shahdara, New Delhi, Delhi, 110032, India, E-mail: mdr.rameshkumar@yahoo.co.in

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Ramesh Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Shyamlal College (Eve), University of Delhi, Shahdara, New Delhi, Delhi, 110032, India, E-mail: mdr.rameshkumar@yahoo.co.in

Online published on 21 July, 2020.


In society the conflicts are as old as the society itself. In any society or nation-state, the resolutions of conflict, and restoration of normalcy is a cyclic process, which can be controlled by inculcating the values of coexistence and syncretism among the citizens. Where a society is rooted in nonviolence principles, it becomes easier to resolve conflicts at their incipient stage and control them in their escalated state. When Mahatma Gandhi propagated and practiced nonviolence he not only ended an imperial intrusion, but the principles that an independent India inherited emerged from this conflict situation. The popularity and widespread acceptance of these principles make nonviolence a powerful tool that provides the grieving party with moral legitimacy and weakens the accused. Whatever their interpretation or scope, they are a potent force that can prevent a conflict from shifting its focus from instigating violence to finding solutions. Principles of non-violence can resolve conflict is by presenting its focus from shifting from finding solution towards instigating violence. Consequently, nonviolence is the calming factor which resolves conflicts in order to establish more effective sociopolitical processes and more productive institutional alternatives. The world is today faced with plethora of conflicts - of all types. Hence, we see the emphasis Gandhi places on universal brotherhood and peaceful coexistence has all time relevance. Therefore, his teachings are the most upheld patriotism principles as well as ways and means of ending various global conflicts. In fact, a true testimony of Gandhij's teaching lies in the fact that mere “good ends” do not justify ‘bad’ means. The world over therefore, today the emphasis is on human dignity and upholding the values of natural justice. It is obvious that in today's world, nothing seems to be permanent except the ‘crisis of peace’ - and nothing would be a better tribute to this man than to re-dedicate ourselves towards the cause of ‘peace’ and mutual tolerance. Here lies the relevance of Gandhism.



Non-violence, Harbinger, Peace.


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