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Agricultural Reviews
Year : 2023, Volume : 44, Issue : 3
First page : ( 397) Last page : ( 404)
Print ISSN : 0253-1496. Online ISSN : 0976-0741.
Article DOI : 10.18805/ag.RF-259

Sources of economically valuable features for selection of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) in conditions of absheron peninsula

Asadova Almas1,*

1Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Genetic Resources, 155, Azadlyg Avenue, Baku, Azerbaijan

*Corresponding Author: Almas Asadova, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Genetic Resources, 155, Azadlyg Avenue, Baku, Azerbaijan, Email: almas.i.asadova@gmail.com

Online published on 27 October, 2023.



In a world facing climate change and associated environmental stresses that hamper agricultural productivity and food security, the requirement for more sustainable agriculture is on the rise. In this regard, there is a need to expand the area of cultivation of drought-resistant leguminous crops. The purpose of the research is to study the grass pea collection, to identify forms with economically valuable traits and to create on their basis a new highly productive, technologically advanced, valuable with its quality grass pea grain for a selection in the conditions of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


The studies were conducted in 2017-2020 at the Institute of Genetic Resources (IGR) of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Azerbaijan. 75 samples were used as research material: 25 of them were local forms and 50 were samples obtained from ICARDA. The productivity and structure of the harvest have been analyzed.


As a result of research, the most high-yielding and high-quality samples GP-58, GP-59, GP-65, GP-71, GP-73, IFLA-2973, IFLA-240, IFLA-479, IFLA-1795, IFLA-242, GP-56, GP-87. were revealed in the studied grass pea samples. During the implementation of the breeding program using the results, we have developed a new early ripe, drought-resistant, heat-resistant, disease-resistant and high-yielding variety Zirve by the method of repeated individual selection from the local forms. These studies are an important initial study for the subsequent production of new varieties. We hope that this will lead to an increase in the acreage of grass pea in the Republic of Azerbaijan.



Alternative, Drought-resistant, Grass pea, Initial material, Legumes, Plant breeding, Protein.



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