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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 5
First page : ( 223) Last page : ( 232)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

Acclamation of Spirituality in Management of Academic Employees and Attitudes

Mahakul Pintu

Doctoral Candidate, Department of Business Administration, Berhampur University, Bhanja Bihar, Berhampur, Odisha, India

Online published on 7 May, 2014.


Beloved God Father, the creator of this entire Universe has given his commitment that he does manifest at the time of diminishing values and righteousness in earth. His major duty is to establish righteousness by breaking unrighteous practices and erase out sins committed by human resources and make them pure by giving them unlimited essence of his special sacred spiritual knowledge. He is only the ocean of knowledge and full in all qualities and values. He does this historic work by teaching human individuals about spirituality and values during his manifest that gives rise to academic institutions in India. The historical establishment of ancient Indian academic institutions and schools in pre Vedic, Vedic and post Vedic Ages are based on God's teachings of values and ethics. In modern days the new academic system which has developed in India has brought up from the traditional system of western education is also a land mark of western spirituality. In western countries the academic system has developed according to the development of Biblical period to teach ethics, values and morality to mankind to gain wealth and satisfaction. Spiritual truth of life is finally to become good human beings. In such a system academic employees play major roles in building personality of scholars and students and associated persons of society. Their attitudes also give impact on the behaviour of followers. In such case the acclamation of spirituality comes within this study to redecorate the values during diminishing values of recent time in to turning point. Hope this study will be beneficial to many from all points of views and give a favourable essence of research.



Spirituality, Employees, Management, Attitudes and Victory.



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