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Economic Affairs
Year : 2014, Volume : 59, Issue : 4
First page : ( 629) Last page : ( 634)
Print ISSN : 0424-2513. Online ISSN : 0976-4666.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-4666.2014.00035.7

Benchmarking the critical success factors of TQM implementation: A review of 21 national quality awards

Meetika Goel1,*, Anita Gill2

1Department of Economics, Government Ripudaman College, Nabha, Punjab, India

2Department of Distance Education, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India

*Corresponding author: meetikagoel@gmail.com

Online published on 5 January, 2015.


TQM has assumed a great importance in today's highly competitive education industry. TQM has been widely implemented throughout the world. Many institutes have arrived at the conclusion that effective TQM implementation can improve their competitive abilities and provide strategic advantages in the marketplace. There are many approaches used for implementation of TQM in education sector. These approaches are based on number of National Quality Awards (NQA's) developed by governments of various countries. Further each National Quality Award has its own different set of critical success factors (CSFs). It therefore creates a lot of confusion for the educational institutes, as to, which critical success factors to choose and which not, so as to implement the concept of TQM for achieving excellence. This paper aims to develop a new framework for TQM implementation by doing a comparative study of 21 major National Quality Awards. The comparative study will be beneficial for the institutes to find out comprehensive list of CSFs for TQM implementation and thus helps in achieving excellence in the educational field.



Total quality management (TQM), critical success factors (CSFs), national quality award (NQA).



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