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International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology
Year : 2012, Volume : 1, Issue : 2
First page : ( 118) Last page : ( 122)
Online ISSN : 2277-1581.

Analysis of impact of firing angle on an AC chopper in terms of Harmonic Distortion & Power factor

Chaturvedi Kanchan1,*, Dr. Mahor Amita1, Dwivedi Anurag Dhar2

1Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, N.R.I., Bhopal (M.P.) India

2Senior System Engineer, Infosys

*Email: kanchanchaturvedi01@yahoo.in

Online published on 4 November, 2017.


The phase angle controlled AC choppers are widely used for voltage regulation & controlling. Apart from the advantages of method such as low cost I Simple construction, easy operation it has a major disadvantage of inducing Harmonic components & power factor even with pure resistive load. Hence in this paper we are analyzing the various aspects of AC choppers by Simulation & mathematical analysis. The AC chopper considered in this paper is symmetric & the Switching devices are considered to have ideal Switching characteristics for mathematical Analysis. The Simulation & graphical analysis are performed in MALAB/Simulink.



AC choppers, Harmonic Distortion, Power Factor.



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