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International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
Year : 2019, Volume : 9, Issue : 7
First page : ( 303) Last page : ( 310)
Online ISSN : 2249-2496.

A study on household hazardous solid waste management in India

Dr. Palani S.1, Sivanya M.2

1Associate Professor & Head, Department of Economics, Mannar Thirumalai Naickar College, Madurai

2Research Scholar. Mannar Thirumalai Naickar College, Madurai

Online published on 7 October, 2019.


Discarded waste in our families may also incorporate dangerous and poisonous chemical substances. The typical Indian family makes use of many products that could incorporate numerous materials that may be categorized as hazardous. those family hazardous waste include: pesticides, insecticides and fungicides; timber preservatives; caused by household dangerous waste tube lights; paints, thinners, smudge and lacquer; adhesives and gum; medicines, cosmetics, nail polish and removers; batteries; various cleaners and polishes; objects, mercury-containing fluorescent lamps and different devices, electric and electronic devices (waste electric and digital equipment), remnants of family chemicals and drugs, and others. Such waste includes in its chemical composition of risky substances, which have a poor effect on the surroundings and human health. If risky additives aren't allotted from the overall waft of low-risk municipal strong waste (MSW), within the processing or disposal in landfills, they begin to have a negative effect at the environment, which has a tendency to accumulate. This truth sheet intends to describe some of the ability risks related to household dangerous Wastes, in addition to offer data about how to correctly manipulate and prevent the technology of household dangerous waste. The purpose of this look at is reduced and recycle the household solid waste, properly disposed of with the aid of the solid waste and enhance the environmental quality of existence. Waste separation from the family level, proper storage, more green waste collection structures, and sustainable healing and disposal practices are diagnosed as needed procedures inside the examine place. Thinking about the character and additives of waste generated through families and enterprise locations, the waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting approaches would be extra suitable in dealing with the task.



Household waste, Hazardous, Recycling, Reduce, Reuse, Solid waste, Environment.


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