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TRANS Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research (TAJMMR)
Year : 2018, Volume : 7, Issue : 1
First page : ( 228) Last page : ( 236)
Online ISSN : 2279-0667.

Problems and prospects of ayurvedic medical tourism a study with special reference to Kochi

Kumar A. Arun*

*Head of the Dept. of Commerce, DB College, Keezhoor, Kerala, India. Email id: arunwdivya@gmail.com

Online published on 9 February, 2018.


Tourism is a major phenomenon of modern society with significant socio-economic consequences. World Travel and Tourism Council (WITC) have identified tourism as world's most rapidly growing industry. Ayurveda is the ancient health science developed as a result of centuries of long research work of eminent scholarly. The word Ayurveda means “knowledge of life”. The study is intended to bring to the limelight impact of the spread medical tourism at Kochi focussing on various types of treatments, attractions of Kochi, variety of foods, SWOT of Kochi, Kerala Tourism Industry. The IATO convention that held in Kochi highlight a singular and unique fact that “tourism is becoming a people's movements in Kerala and every politician, Every panchayat and local administration is more aware of the great potential of the sector: Besides, there is also the problem of resource constraint. In spite of all these constraints, the researcher feels that a modest, but serious and sincere attempt has been made through out. Inadequacy of time is also another limitation. However the growth of tourism also brings in its train a lot of evil effects too. Yet, in spite of this, concepts like Medical tourism seem to add to the growing popularity of this pristine destination. The study covers the impact of Medical tourism at Kochi only. Also it brings attention to the drawbacks, weaknesses, threats etc faced by the tourists.



Njavarakizhi, Dhara, Sirovasthi, Udavarthanam, Snehapadam, Kizhi, Dhanyam.



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