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International Journal of Engineering Research
Year : 2013, Volume : 2, Issue : 2
First page : ( 161) Last page : ( 166)
Print ISSN : 2347-5013. Online ISSN : 2319-6890.

Kinetic and Electrical Conductivity Measurement Study of SDBF Resin

Masram Dhanraj. T.1, Kariya K.P.2, Bhave N.S.3

1Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India. dhanraj_masram27@rediffmail.com, Mob: +919958552279

2Department of Chemistry, VMV commerce JMT Arts & JJP Science College, Nagpur-440008

3Department of Chemistry, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur-440033

Online published on 8 November, 2017.


Resin SDBF has been synthesized by the condensation of salicylicacid and diaminobenzoicacid with formaldehyde and hydrochloricacid as catalyst. Thermal degradation curve has been discussed which shows four decomposition steps. Detailed thermal degradation studies of the resin have been carried out to ascertain its thermal stability. Sharp-Wentworth and Freeman-Carroll methods have been used to calculate activation energies and thermal stability. The activation energy (Ea) calculated by using the Sharp-Wentworth (17.2 kJ/mol) has been found to be in good agreement with that calculated by Freeman-Carroll (26.80 kJ/mol) method. Thermodynamic parameters such as free energy change (ΔF), entropy change (ΔS), apparent entropy change (S*) and frequency factor (Z) have also been evaluated on the basis of the data of Freeman-Carroll method. The order of reaction (n) is found out to be 1.03. Electrical conductivity measurements have been also conceded to ascertain the semiconducting nature of the resin.



Resin, synthesis, Thermal properties, Activation energy, Electrical conductivity.


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