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Year : 2018, Volume : 13, Issue : 2
First page : ( 354) Last page : ( 258)
Print ISSN : 2230-9047. Online ISSN : 2231-6736. Published online : 2018  1.

Fishery Based Integrated Farming System: A Promising Way for Doubling Farmers’ Income in Nalbari District of Assam

Bhuyan Sonmoina1,*, Ali Arfan1, Laskar Bonani2, Deka M.1, Bora M.1, Bharali M.1, Chakraborty M.1, Datta H.S.1, Saharia P.3

1Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nalbari, Assam Agricultural University, Sariahtoli-781337, Assam

2DHAN Foundation, Barama Block, Baksa, Assam

3Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Udalguri, Assam Agricultural University, Lalpool, Assam

*Corresponding author email id: sonamoina.cife@gmail.com

Received:  1  February,  2018; Revised:  1  April,  2018.


A study was carried out in Nalbari district of Assam to identify different fish farming systems and their economics during December 2016 to May 2017. Total 70 marginal and small fish farmers 10 each of 7 existing development blocks of the district were selected as respondent for the study where rate of return and profitability index were calculated to identify the best fishery based farming system for doubling the farmers income. The study revealed that the rate of return as well as profitability index of integrated pig fish farming was highest (209.66% & 2.77) followed by integrated horti-livestock-fish farming system (133.73% & 2.07). The same index was found lowest in case of fish seed farmers (21.76% &1.09). The influence of farm size was prominent as the fish seed grower were marginal farmers holding only 0.21 ha whereas the pig fish farmers were small farmers holding on an average 0.48 ha farm area. From the average investment in each farming system it was found that the sequential paddy fish farming requires lowest investment and pig fish farming needs highest investment. The fish seed grower, fish grower and integrated horti-livestock-fish farmers invested almost equal. The other factors like labour and judicious utilization of available resources may augment the total income. Thus, fishery based integrated model might prove a promising way for doubling the farmers’ income.



Integrated farming, Profitability index, Farmers’ income.



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