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Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR)
Year : 2018, Volume : 7, Issue : 9
First page : ( 313) Last page : ( 320)
Online ISSN : 2278-4853.

Politics of regionalism in Jammu and Kashmir: Causes, implications and remedies

Para Maqsood Hussain

Research Scholar, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (M.P), India. Email id: maqsoodps.para@gmail.com

Online published on 10 October, 2018.


The state of Jammu and Kashmir is a highly diverse geo-political entity created by the British East India Company in 1846, under colonial compulsions, with one of its main units-Kashmir valley-engulfed by a devastating conflict of India and Pakistan since last three decades. The state, since its accession to the Union of India in 1947, is facing various intra-provincial and intra-state upheavals. The multiplicity of its ethnic, religion-linguistic and more importantly regional character as well as growing identities and regional consciousness in its three regions Jammu, Kashmir and Ladhak had left a deep impact on over all politico-administrative setup of the state. Besides being a high stake conflict issue at world level, the growing agitations in the state is essentially a means of expression for pent up regional grievances. While alienation in Kashmir valley seeks an outlet in autonomy, secession, militancy, in Jammu its traditional vents have been communalism, integration and ultra-nationalism and in Ladhak it spreads in the form of separation from Kashmir region. The deeply diverse character of the state especially of regional nature makes it imperative to devise instruments and processes for restructuring the rules of the game so as to ensure that power sharing and development in the state is inclusive. Unless and until the regional aspirations of the three regions of the state are reconciled, there will always be pretexts of the conflict within the state as well as at national level. This paper is an attempt to underline the major issue of regional discontent in the state and also suggest the possible ways to arrest the conflict.



Regional Conflict, Power Sharing, Political Status, Accession, Regional Autonomy.



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