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Year : 2023, Volume : 68, Issue : 2
First page : ( 1329) Last page : ( 1335)
Print ISSN : 0424-2513. Online ISSN : 0976-4666. Published online : 2023  25.
Article DOI : 10.46852/0424-2513.2.2023.37

Preparation of Theoretical and Practical Recommendations for the Transformation of the Economic Security System of Enterprises during the Digitization Process

Khadzhynova Olena

Sustainable Innovations Laboratory, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania

Corresponding author: azsudcom@gmail.com (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7750-9791)

Online Published on 25 October, 2023.

Received:  19  ,  2023; :  24  ,  2023; Accepted:  04  ,  2023.


The article proves that information security is one of the most critical aspects of the economic security of an enterprise, and it is necessary to emphasize that reducing the problem of financial security of an enterprise to the protection of trade secrets is an overly simplified solution this problem. Such a narrow understanding of economic security only considers part of the spectrum of environmental impact as the main source of danger to the enterprise’s activities. According to this view, the economic security of an enterprise is conditioned by the influence of the external environment, which in a market economy is constantly changing, never remaining stable or unchanged. The cluster systemic approach and modeling methodology outlined in the article, as well as the tools for analyzing and diagnosing the enterprise’s condition, allow for a sufficiently complete study of the complex factors threatening the economic security of an enterprise and for a meaningful and purposeful organization and implementation of the necessary indicator monitoring, which will allow for systematic research and analysis of the dynamically changing socio-economic and conduct a feasibility study of management decisions. The study develops and implements a modern concept of enterprise security in the digital economy. The development of a set of organizational tools that ensure the transformation of economic security of enterprises in the process of digital transformation is presented. The modeling of the economic security system of an enterprise in the digital economy is proposed. The study develops and implements a modern concept of enterprise security in the digital economy. The development of a set of organizational tools that ensure the transformation of economic security of enterprises in the process of digital transformation is presented. The modeling of the economic security system of an enterprise in the digital economy is proposed. The European Social Fund funded this research under the No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-23-0211 “Transformation of the economic security system of enterprises in the process of digitalization” measure.


The study develops and implements a modern concept of enterprise security in the digital economy.

The modeling of the economic security system of an enterprise in the digital economy is proposed.



Economic security, Digital economy, Enterprise, Digital transformation, Organizational tools.



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