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Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Year : 2023, Volume : 37, Issue : 3spl
First page : ( 178) Last page : ( 179)
Print ISSN : 0971-8664. Online ISSN : 2456-8716.

Traditional women goat rearer as a corporate

Kamaraj K.

NGO Vidiyal, Theni, Tamil Nadu

Online published on 18 December, 2023.


In a silent revolution that has been fermenting in the farming sector since 2013-2014, having had enough of this unfair practices, along with 1000 other goat-herders mostly women from 10 neighboring villages, Kasiraj in 2015 floated with the support of Vidiyal an NGO in Theni district and financial support from NABARD the Theni District Farmers Goat Producer Company Ltd, a company that markets the goats of all its shareholders in bulk. Eliminating middlemen, the company directly supplies meat to customers, selling it at a rate cheaper than retailers and getting its constituent farmers a fair price for their produce. Against this backdrop this case study has captured essential details of an NGO Vidiyal and its activities about the traditional women goat rearers who formed the Goat FPO, the characteristics of these women shareholders who became the lifelong learners, their learning needs, pedagogical approach adopted, learning outcomes, access and experiences of mobile phones for learning, gender constrains, etc. The paper also discusses about the FPO management, how the women farmers become corporate literates and managing the company successfully.



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