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Indian Journal of Entomology
Year : 2018, Volume : 80, Issue : 3
First page : ( 808) Last page : ( 811)
Print ISSN : 0367-8288. Online ISSN : 0974-8172.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-8172.2018.00111.6

Biology of anar butterfly, Deudorix epijarbas Infesting pomegranate under field conditions

Mohi-Ud-Din Sajad1,*, Zaki F.A.2, Mir S.A., Wani R.A.3

1Division of Entomology, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Science and Technology-K, Shalimar, 190025

2Faculty of Horticulture

3Division of Agri-Statistics

*Email: sajad_05@rediffmail.comm

Online published on 23 October, 2018.


Observations on the field biology of pomegranate fruit borer (Deudorix epijarbas) were made at the Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture (CITH), Srinagar during 2011–2012. These revealed that the pest was active from May to September. Emergence of butterflies from hibernating pupae commenced from 3rd week of May. After mating, adults laid pale green eggs on the flower buds, opened flowers and stems in the 3rd week of May. Soon after hatching, the newly emerged larvae started damaging the flower buds and flowers, before coming out for pupation in the soil in the 4th week of June. The butterflies (2nd generation) from these emerged in the 2nd week of July. The 3rd generation butterflies emerged in the 4th week of August. Pre-pupa of the last generation started pupating in the fallen leaves and in upper 5–7 cm layer of the soil. Hibernation starts from October to May-June at pupal stage in soil. Practically all the stages can be observed throughout May to September due to overlapping generations. The field biology studied for 2nd generation (July-August) revealed that the egg period varied from 6–7 days with a mean of 6.1±0.31 days. There were five larval instars, with duration of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th instar was 3.5± 0.52, 4.1± 0.31, 4.7± 0.48, 5.2± 0.42 and 6.3±0.48 days, respectively. The total larval, prepupal and pupal periods were 23.8± 0.40 days 2.3± 0.48 and 7.4± 0.42 days, respectively in this generation. The sexes exhibited difference in colour, males were brick red, while females were dull brown.



Deudorix epijarbas, pomegranate, field biology, seasonal observations, generations, life stages, larval instars, prepupa, pupation, adults.


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